Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Galatians 3:15-25

What is a Covenant?

Defining “Covenant”

• A Covenant is a declaration by the Sovereign regarding a unilateral promise to his people.

A Covenant is NOT a Contract or a Treaty (negotiated between two “equal” parties.)

Quote: “The Covenants form the unifying thread of God’s saving action through Scripture.” - Unknown Source

The 6 Key Covenants God made with Israel 

1. The Adamic Covenant – Re: Sin – Curses and Provision  (See: Genesis 3:15-19).

2. The Noahic Covenant – Never flood the earth again (See: Genesis 3:15-19)

3. The Abrahamic Covenant – Salvation is for ALL peoples (See: Genesis 12:2-3)

4. The Mosaic Covenant – The Law  (See: Deuteronomy 11:26-28)

5. The Davidic Covenant – The Promise of a Messiah  (See: 2 Samuel 7:11b-13; Luke 1:22-23)

6. The New Covenant – Eternal forgiveness and life through Messiah (See: Jeremiah 31:31-34; Luke 22:14-22)

Galatians 3:15-25

Law vs. Covenant (v. 15-18)

** Understanding the Relationship between the Law and Covenant is like comparing...

  • works vs. grace

  • obligation vs. promise

  • “salary” vs. inheritance

  • contract vs. gift

    Point: You cannot set aside the Covenants as they are not bound by Law. Only God can change the Covenant.

    The Purpose of the Law (v. 19-25)

    ** The Law...

    ...does NOT

    • set aside or negate the Covenant (v. 17)

    • contradict the Promise (v. 21a)

    • impart life (v. 21b)


    • teach about sin (v. 19a, 22) – See: 1 Timothy 1:8-11

    • point to Jesus (v. 19 – the “promise referred”)

    • hold us “prisoners” until faith is revealed (v. 23) – See: Romans 6:15-23

    • ULTIMATELY: lead us to Christ (v. 24 – “lead us” = Gk: “pedagogue” = trainer of boys)

      – See: 2 Timothy 3:14-15

      Essential Teachings:

  1. The Jews were not born again through the Law but were brought up by the Law.

  2. The Law does not give life, but regulates it to teach us about righteousness until faith is activated.

  3. Once faith is activated through grace, the Law becomes antiquated, moot... it cannot increase righteousness since it could never impart righteousness.

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