Saturday, December 11, 2021

Galatians 5:16-6:5

Galatians 5:13-6:5

“Freedom of religion is the God-given right for each individual to choose to go to hell the human way or to go to heaven God’s way.”

- Unknown Author

** Works of the Flesh -

  1. self-indulgent (v. 16) – “...gratifies the desires of the flesh”

  2. contrary to and in conflict with the Spirit (v. 17) – so you “do what you do not want”

  3. obvious” (v. 19) = apparent, not hidden, public (See: Romans 1:19)

  4. incompatible with heaven (v. 21b)... “ those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

    Point: Paul does not blame the “flesh” for spiritual is the natural outcome of a life lived under the Law.

** The Fruit of the Spirit... (vs. 22-23)

  • “Love” (agape) = self-sacrificing love, reflects the very character of God (see: 1 John 4:8)

  • “Joy” = deep, inner happiness and fulfillment that is not situation based

  • “Peace” = inner sense of completion, not lacking anything...not referring to war

  • Patience” (makrothumia) = long-term, enduring patience, usually used in reference to a

    relationship more than a situation

  • “Kindness” = an attitude of benevolence with others in response to their needs

  • “Goodness” = an action of benevolence with others in response to their needs
  • “Self-Control” = disciplined, not given to emotions

Paul’s Conclusion (v. 23b) – “Against such things there is no law.” other words...this is the natural outcome of those who live in Freedom.

Application (vs. 24-26) – Freedom: The Solution to the Sinful Struggle

Application 1 – God empowers Christians to choose freedom of living by the Spirit rather the enslaved in the Flesh. (See: Galatians 5:24)

Application 2 – We make that daily choice by doing what Jesus would do. (See: Galatians 5:25) 

Application 3 – Arrogance and Freedom are incompatible. (See: Galatians 5:26)

Max Anders – “Freedom in Christ does not give us the right to do as we please, but the liberty to do as we ought.”

Freedom’s Impact (6:1-6) 

** When we live in the Spirit, Freedom has an Impact on:

•  ...our response to Sin

** Re: the Sin of Others 

“...when someone is caught is sin, restore him gently...” (v. 1)

“Caught” (Gk: prolambano) = means to “take by surprise” or “overtaken”... Note: “Sin” (Gk: paraptoma) = to “step/fall aside”.

** Re: Personal Sin 

“ yourself or you may be tempted.” (v. 1)

▪ “Watch” (Gk: skopeo, English, “Scope”) = to examine, inspect or scrutinize.

Richard Foster – “The disciplined person is the person who can do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. The disciplined person is the person who can live in the appropriateness of the hour. The extreme ascetic and the glutton have exactly the same problem: they cannot live appropriately; they cannot do what needs to be done when it needs to be done. The disciplined person is the free person.

Point: Without careful, honest self-examination, Christians can be overtaken by sin.

... Relationships.

“Carry each others burdens...fulfill law of Christ” (v. 2)

“Burdens” (Gk: bastazo) usually refers to an excessively heavy item...

Point: Paul encourages Christians to help each other particularly when the burden is excessive.

... Personal Integrity 

Be wary of false self-deception (v. 3) Test you motives and results (vs. 4-5)

Point: Self-deception and comparing to others prohibits a Christian to serve others since arrogance leads to self-service.

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